Screens, Summer and Sanity
You are the parent! Repeat. Screens are NOT a right! You are the parent! Repeat. Screens are NOT a right, they are to be earned.… Read More »Screens, Summer and Sanity
You are the parent! Repeat. Screens are NOT a right! You are the parent! Repeat. Screens are NOT a right, they are to be earned.… Read More »Screens, Summer and Sanity
Do you ever say something to your son with ADHD, or daughter with ADHD, and wish you could take it back? Most parents feel this… Read More »Want better conversations with your child or teen with ADHD? Use the WAIT-Now Method
Dr Sharon Saline is an expert on ADHD in children and adolescents. Her recent book What Your ADHD Child Wishes you Knew: Working Together to… Read More »Your Anxious Child Podcast: Expert Interview with Dr. Sharon Saline