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Home » General Psychology » Intrepid Ed News – Dealing with ‘Back To School’ Anxiety: 5 Tips To Assist Your Child or Teen Make A Smooth Transition

Intrepid Ed News – Dealing with ‘Back To School’ Anxiety: 5 Tips To Assist Your Child or Teen Make A Smooth Transition

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Intrepid News

5 Tips to Assist Your Child/Teen With ADHD Make A Smooth Transition: Kids have an incredible radar. They easily pick up when their parents are stressed or anxious, and it increases their own distress, conscious or unconscious. The first step in decreasing the anxiety your child or teen is feeling is to lower your own.

Take a few minutes and discuss your concerns with your partner, a friend, an extended family member, or counselor. Write these down and then strategize responses or to-do action items to each one by creating an “Anxiety Decelerator Plan.” This ADP will help you feel like you have some control.

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“Dealing with ‘Back to School” Anxiety: 5 Tips To Assist Your Child or Teen With ADHD Make A Smooth Transition” by Dr. Sharon Saline

Dr. Sharon Saline