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Message to Tween, Teens and Young Adults During Covid

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This can be a tough time for emerging adults.

Seven months into the pandemic, and things are still “far from normal”.

You’ve lost so much of what was familiar, valued and fun in your lives–being on campus and attending in-person classes, socializing with peers, working, romantic relationships, etc.

It’s natural to feel sad, lonely, anxious, frustrated and disappointed.

These are some comments I hear from my clients:

“I can’t do anything!”

“School is now only Zoom. ,All the good stuff is gone, and all we do now is work.”

If your parents or other family members are pressuring you to do more, be happy and act grateful for what you have, it’s really important that you let them know how you feel. You’re struggling a bit. You need empathy not criticism. Consider saying something like: “This has been a hard time for me and most people my age. I’m doing the best I can to shift and accommodate the changes but some days it’s tougher than others.”

Don’t Struggle Alone

Contact your primary care provider or your college’s counseling services to get the names of mental health practitioners if you find that you’re:

  • sad or anxious most days
  • lonely and need someone to talk to
  • your sleep or appetite are disrupted (too much or not enough)
  • have trouble concentrating or taking pleasure in activities that you once enjoyed overusing alcohol or drugs

Ask for Help

Ask your parents if they can assist you in finding someone to talk to which can be intimidating and complicated for many young adults. Try telling them: “I think it would be good for me to find someone to talk to. I don’t want to worry you. I just have some things on my mind that I’d like to sort out.” Since untreated anxiety leads to depression and persistent depression is a debilitating condition, get some help now before things take a more serious turn.

Don’t give up. Something good is around the corner, promise!

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