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Guided Support Groups

Guided Support Groups


Guided Support Group for Adults with ADHD & Anxiety

Winter – Spring 2024

“Confident and Calmer: Tools for Reducing Anxiety and Living with More Resilience

Led by Dr. Sharon Saline, Psy.D.

  • 8 Weekly Sessions on Zoom
  • When: Thursdays, 12:00 – 1:15 pm EDT
  • Dates: January – March
    1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 2/29, (break), 3/14, 3/21
  • Group Size: 18 people (max)

Register here!

Questions? Email 


Guided Support Group for Adults with ADHD & Anxiety

male relaxing on surfboard smiling

Winter 2022

“Confident and Calmer (Part 3): Applying and practicing effective tools to reduce the power anxiety and nurture resilience and self-acceptance”

Led by Dr. Sharon Saline, Psy.D.

  • 6 Weekly Sessions on Zoom
  • When: Thursdays, 12:00 – 1:15 pm EDT
  • Dates: October – December
    10/27, 11/3, 11/10, 11/22, 12/1, 12/8
  • Group Size: 15 people (max)

Register here!

Questions? Email 

Guided Support Group for Adults with ADHD & Anxiety

Confident and Calmer (Part 2)

Fall 2022

“Confident and Calmer (Part 2): Applying and practicing effective tools to reduce the power anxiety and nurture resilience and self-acceptance”

Led by Dr. Sharon Saline, Psy.D.

  • 6 Weekly Sessions on Zoom
  • When: Thursdays, 12:00 – 1:15 pm EDT
  • Dates: September-October
    9/8, 9/15, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20
  • Group Size: 15 people (max)

Register here!

Are you ready to live fully and engage in fulfilling relationships?

In this guided support group, Dr. Sharon Saline will help ground you in some of the practices introduced in part one, foster meaningful connections, reduce anxiety, decrease perfectionism and address rejection sensitivity. Each session will have a short teaching, followed by a discussion of how a challenge manifests in your life and how to cope with it.

This is a special opportunity to have semi-private consultations with Dr. Sharon and learn from other adults with ADHD, too. There will be optional homework, recommended readings and access to a private, ongoing discussion group as well. You will learn practical and mindful strategies for feeling calmer and more confident!

Group Format:

After an initial short check-in and moment of mindfulness, there will be a brief 10 min teaching on the topic, followed by a discussion that includes individual consultations.  There will be optional homework and recommended readings as well.

Topics to be covered include:

  1. Understanding ADHD, procrastination, time blindness and prioritizing
  2. Identifying challenges related to anxiety
  3. Strategies for self-regulation and perfectionism
  4. Shifting self-criticism, blame, shame, inadequacy and RSD
  5. Managing and regulating the intensity of ADHD + anxiety


Guided Support Group for Adults with ADHD & Anxiety

Guided Support Group for Adults with ADHD and Anxiety


“Confident and Calmer: Tools for reducing anxiety and living with more resilience”

Led by Dr. Sharon Saline, Psy.D.

  • 6 Weekly Sessions on Zoom
  • When: Thursdays, 12:00 – 1:15pm EDT
  • Dates: May 12 – June 16, 2022
    5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2, 6/9, 6/16
  • Group Size: 15 people (max)

Register here!

Are you tired of living with persistent anxiety that is complicating your ability to work, manage family responsibilities or engage in fulfilling relationships?

In this guided support group, Dr. Sharon Saline will help you reduce patterns of worry and improve key executive functions related to emotional regulation, productivity and self-esteem. Each session will have a short teaching, followed by a discussion of how a challenge manifests in your life and how to cope with it.

This is a special opportunity to have semi-private consultations with Dr. Sharon and learn from other adults with ADHD, too. There will be optional homework, recommended readings and access to a private, ongoing discussion group as well. You will learn practical and mindful strategies for feeling calmer and more confident!

Group Format:

After an initial short check-in and moment of mindfulness, there will be a brief 10 min teaching on the topic, followed by a discussion that includes individual consultations.  There will be optional homework and recommended readings as well.

Topics to be covered include:

  1. How anxiety works in the brain and body and why you become activated
  2. Identifying and shifting patterns of negative thinking
  3. Understanding the relationship between anxiety, perfectionism and procrastination
  4. Shifting limiting beliefs at the core of social anxiety and rejection sensitivity dysphoria
  5. Transforming worry into curiosity with mindfulness and growth mindsets
  6. Nurturing resilience and decreasing shame

Teens with ADHD

Young Adults with ADHD

Adults with ADHD

Parents of Kids with ADHD

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