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5 Practical Tips to Overcome Perfectionism and Writer's Block FASTSeptember 20, 2024Dear Dr. Saline: “As a research scientist I struggle a lot with writing and perfectionism. Previously I could write pages and now I find myself getting...
Everything You Need to Know About IEPs and 504sSeptember 9, 2024(for Children and Teens with ADHD) Navigating the ins and outs of getting help for your child in school can be overwhelming, especially when it feels...
Overcoming ADHD Brain FogAugust 19, 2024Dear Dr. Saline: I'm a 30 year-old AuDHDer who would love your input. I pride myself on my ability to focus and concentrate on what needs...
Surviving Back To School: A Neurodivergent Parent's GuideAugust 5, 2024As thoughts begin to turn from planning picnics and BBQ’s to planning school lunches, our parental priorities shift from “summer fun” to “get it done.” ...
Truth and Trust: Managing Lying in Children and Teens with ADHDJuly 23, 2024Dear Dr. Saline: Is it standard for an ADHDer to lie so vehemently? Like he has been caught red handed and he denies it while...
ADHD and Depression: 5 Strategies for Better LivingJuly 10, 2024You’ve spent all the money, all the time, and all the energy planning for this - your son’s 11 year old birthday party. The gathering...
Ask Dr. Saline: Do you have any advice for women with ADHD going through menopause?June 22, 2024Dear Dr. Saline, What advice do you have for women with ADHD going through menopause? I’m already pretty forgetful and moody, even before “going through the...
"Boosting or Breaking Productivity: The Impact of Hyperfixation on People with ADHD"June 10, 2024Are you ever so engrossed in an activity you love that you completely lose track of time? Does it seem like you lose sense of...
Boost Mental Well-Being for Women with ADHD: Reduce Self-Criticism and Build Self-ConfidenceMay 28, 2024May is Women’s Health Month: a time to recognize and advocate for women’s physical and mental health care. Women with ADHD, and those who care...
Ask Dr. Saline: How Do I Motivate Myself to Get Started on Big Projects?May 6, 2024Dear Dr. Saline, I’m having a hard time getting big projects at work completed on time. I do ok with smaller projects that are concrete. But...
The ADHD Sandwich Generation: Unique Challenges of Multigenerational ADHDApril 15, 2024Do you feel overwhelmed by parenting responsibilities and the needs of elderly parents? Then you are smack in the middle of the sandwich generation. Given...
Ask Dr. Saline: How Can I Stop Emotional Meltdowns As an Adult With ADHD?April 1, 2024Dear Dr. Saline, I’m an adult in my late 50’s and have finally been diagnosed with ADHD. One of the behavior patterns I’ve struggled with over...
How To Stand Up For Yourself When You Have ADHD (at Work, in Friendship and with Your Partner)March 18, 2024Despite growing awareness about ADHD and neurodivergence, there is still a false assumption that somehow people with ADHD can be “less than.” What’s even worse...
Ask Dr. Saline: How Do I Stop Apologizing For My ADHD?March 11, 2024Dear Dr. Saline, I’m a senior in high school and I was diagnosed with ADHD in fifth grade. I get distracted easily, forget things and blurt...
Does Having ADHD Mean Having A 'Bad' Memory? Not Necessarily.February 19, 2024==Many people with ADHD wonder if they have a ‘bad’ memory. It’s a short question with a complicated answer because it really depends on how...
Ask Dr. Saline: How do I avoid the perfectionism trap?February 7, 2024Dear Dr. Saline, I recently started my first full time job after graduating from college and feel like I’m struggling with the adjustment. I’ve had the...