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Praise For “What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew”

Praise For “What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew”


Winner of the American Book Fest PARENTING & FAMILY award
and Mom’s Choice Awards Honoring Excellence

“All our kids deserve to be loved in the best way that helps them grow and mature. Adults play a key role in this, and Dr. Sharon Saline has helped make this more a reality through her book.
Dr. Sharon Saline did an excellent job of shedding light on what ADHD is and how to better help those who struggle with this condition.
Something I noticed throughout the book was that many of the concepts she teaches also help those dealing with difficult moments in life or trauma.”
Don Shetterly
Mind Body Thought Book Review
Read the full review here.

What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew, also provides powerful insights into such common ADHD challenges as dealing with strong emotions, homework, friendships, and managing technology. The proven tips and strategies shared are easy to both understand and implement. Not every ADHD book is written by an author who “gets it”; Dr. Saline does. Highly Recommended!”
Brendan Mahan, M.Ed., M.S. ADHD Consultant, Coach and Trainer, Host of the ADHD Essentials Podcast
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“Dr. Saline’s What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew absolutely lives up to its title. Every nail head is hit in the pages of this book. What truly stands out are concrete skills that parents can use to empathically relate to their ADHD children. The result is a child feeling respected and understood which then leads to a collaborative relationship with their parents and a compassionate relationship with themselves! The Five C Model presented in the book provides an easy to understand road map of education, acceptance and accountability where the destination is a deeper, more authentic relationship with your child and a child that will feel more empowered in the world.”
Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D.
Part-Time Lecturer in Psychology
Department of Psychiatry
Harvard Medical School

“What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew, brims with empathy for children with ADHD and their parents, who also know they are doing the best they can and it’s not helping […] I think this is a must read that will become the foundation of an deeper, more supportive relationship that will increase the impact and effectiveness of all of the strategies, tools, and tricks that can indeed transform your child’s experience of life.”
Read the full review here
Rick Green, Founder of TotallyADD

“I finished your book this weekend and it is great. I find it a valuable resource for parents of kids with ADHD, but will also recommend it to parents of kids who struggle with school work. I am so happy that I will finally have a book to recommend parents with ADHD. I will make it a standard of practice for my group to recommend it for parents!”
Dr. James Bell, Fairview Pediatrics

“My son, aged 13, has Inattentive ADHD. After a “massive” afternoon and night I was scrolling through Audible and came across your book. I have only been listening for about 45-minutes and already have learnt so much from you on how to support and help my son. I cannot wait to listen to the rest of the book and get my wife to do the same. I feel such heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the insights and advice from what I’ve already taken from your book that I genuinely feel like giving you a hug. It’s like you’ve opened my mind to how my wife and I can finally support our son in the way he needs. Please accept my sincere thank you for such an outstanding book. Words don’t do justice to expressing how much you’ve helped already.”
Michael, Brisbane, Australia

“As a professional specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD, I am heartened to read a book about ADHD that is practical, substantive, and engaging. Most people with ADHD can’t sustain interest in books about ADHD. This one is different. Dr. Saline does an amazing job of weaving important scientifically based research and knowledge about ADHD with compassionate and effective strategies for helping kids and teens with ADHD thrive.”
Laurie Ostendorf, Psy.D., ADHD specialist, on

“What a great book! As a parent of two ADHD children, I wish that I’d had it earlier. It makes sense of so much of my experience. I’m sure that many parents will find the practical advice very helpful, but what really moved me was how it explained the ADHD brain and the subjective experience of children with ADHD. So many of the struggles and frustrations that I went through are illuminated here.” reader
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“In her new book, What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids for Success in School and Life, Sharon Saline, Psy.D., offers unique insight into the world of the ADHD child — complete with the shame, despair, and frustration that are so common to the diagnosis — to provide parents with not just a new awareness of their child’s needs, but the tools and practical skills to rebuild their relationship with their child and help them find success.”
Claire Nana, Psych Central
Find the full review here

[I]n What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids for Success in School and Life, Saline describes her past work with ADHD patients and lays out strategies for parents and children to deal with the disorder.
Steve Pfarrer, Daily Hampshire Gazette
Read the full review here

“Drawing on her extensive clinical experience, Dr. Saline offers parents of ADHD children the clarity, insight, and lessons needed to better understand their children and create the type of relationship that will help them thrive.”
Claire Nana, Psych Central
Read the full review here

“Saline’s prescription is simple, easily adopted, and highly convincing.”
Publishers Weekly
Read the full review here

“I’m delighted to have Laura, of The ADHD Mama, read a portion of my book aloud! The part that really resonated with her: the impact of family members’ opinions of ADHD. Please view and listen here — and share your responses!”
Dr. Sharon Saline

“She calls her approach the ‘Fives C’s of ADHD Parenting:’ self-control, compassion, collaboration, consistency and celebration. All are aimed, she says, at giving parents a better understanding of what their children struggle with so that they’re in a better position to help…Saline includes many quotes from children with ADHD to help make the case for parents to become better tuned-in to what their sons and daughters are going through. “Kids repeatedly tell me they want to be heard,” she writes. “Listen to your child or teen. You don’t have to accede to their wishes, but you do need to acknowledge their concerns to clinch their participation.”
Steve Pfarrer, Daily Hampshire Gazette
Read the full review here

“I’m honored to have written the foreword for this great new book on raising kids and teens with ADHD, by Dr. Sharon Saline
Dr. Saline knows full well how challenging family life can be when ADHD is on the scene. She brings uncommon clarity and an open heart to difficult topics like the shame that child and parent alike often feel as they struggle together with the challenges of ADHD.”
Dr. Laura Markham, author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids
Read the full review here

“Sharon Saline, Psy.D., a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice, is a top expert in how ADHD, learning disabilities and mental health issues affect children, teens and families. Dr. Saline has worked extensively with schools on mental health issues in the classroom, interpreting psychological evaluations and improving teacher/parent communication. Dr. Saline funnels this expertise into her new book, What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids for Success in School and Life.”
Tarcher Perigree review, Brightly