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School and Learning

Everything You Need to Know About IEPs and 504s

 (for Children and Teens with ADHD) Navigating the ins and outs of getting help for your child in school can be overwhelming, especially when it feels like everyone is speaking a language you’re not familiar with! This week, I’ll help demystify two very different avenues of accessing school support for your child or teen –… Read More »Everything You Need to Know About IEPs and 504s

Overcoming ADHD Brain Fog

Dear Dr. Saline: I’m a 30 year-old AuDHDer who would love your input. I pride myself on my ability to focus and concentrate on what needs to be done. I’m achievement-oriented and used to be able to blaze through a to-do list. Lately though, brain fog has been hitting me hard. It’s been a period… Read More »Overcoming ADHD Brain Fog

Surviving Back To School: A Neurodivergent Parent’s Guide

As thoughts begin to turn from planning picnics and BBQ’s to planning school lunches, our parental priorities shift from “summer fun” to “get it done.”  The back-to-school transition helps set the stage for a successful school year. It is a great opportunity to help equip kids with the tools they’ll need for a smooth start. But… Read More »Surviving Back To School: A Neurodivergent Parent’s Guide

Ask Dr. Saline: What Does ADHD Look in Black and Brown Girls?

Dear Dr. Saline,  Yesterday, I received a phone call from the school counselor about my daughter, age 12. She’s not completing her work in class, often forgets to turn in her homework, can’t recall directions, and spaces out during lessons. When she’s frustrated with an assignment, she loses her temper quickly. She’s been losing friends… Read More »Ask Dr. Saline: What Does ADHD Look in Black and Brown Girls?

Ask Dr. Saline: How Do I Build New Skills with Executive Functioning Difficulties?

Dear Dr. Saline,  What is the main skill to work on with someone to help with their executive functioning difficulties? Assuming they are not on meds. Sign-up for my newsletter + Free Handout | Ask Dr. Saline   From Dr. Saline  Dear M: When I work with people to improve their executive functioning skills, we… Read More »Ask Dr. Saline: How Do I Build New Skills with Executive Functioning Difficulties?

How do I get my child properly evaluated and diagnosed for ADHD?

Dear Dr. Saline,  My son is now a junior in high school and is having trouble with the increased workload. I suspect something may be wrong. Where do I start with the process of getting him evaluated and diagnosed for ADHD?  Sign-up for my newsletter + Free Handout | Ask Dr. Saline From Dr. Saline… Read More »How do I get my child properly evaluated and diagnosed for ADHD?

Ways Parents Can Set realistic Goals For The Academic School Year

The beginning of a new year typically marks the middle of the school year and mid-year report cards. Of course, students with ADHD want to do well in school, and most of them put a lot of effort into their work. But at the same time, they must contend with issues around focus, organization, distractibility,… Read More »Ways Parents Can Set realistic Goals For The Academic School Year

The Myth of Multitasking & Ways to Create Better Routines that Help you Feel Less Stressed and Anxious

Can you relate to the following scenario? You are in the kitchen trying to prepare dinner while you are talking on the phone and checking your texts as soon as a notification appears. Meanwhile, your teenage son is watching television while doing math homework and constantly checking Instagram. We are all hijacked by our devices… Read More »The Myth of Multitasking & Ways to Create Better Routines that Help you Feel Less Stressed and Anxious

The Best 5 Tips for Managing a Disappointing Report Card with Your Child

.It’s that time of year when parents and kids anxiously await their first report card. School is often the toughest area of functioning for neurodivergent kids and teens because academic performance requires using all of the executive functioning skills with which they struggle. For neurodivergent learners classes can be interesting, compelling, boring and/or frustrating. Either… Read More »The Best 5 Tips for Managing a Disappointing Report Card with Your Child

Keys to better productivity with ADHD: How you can improve the 4 types of focus

Recently, one of my clients Kaya, with adult ADHD made an astonishing discovery. She read an article in the New York Times about brown noise, and wondered if it could help her focus on the unpleasant but necessary tasks. Like doing her taxes, writing proposals for projects or creating a listing to hire an assistant. According… Read More »Keys to better productivity with ADHD: How you can improve the 4 types of focus

ADHD Awareness Month is about celebrating who you are! Accentuate the positive with A+ expert advice.

October is ADHD Awareness Month ̶ a time to reflect on the uniqueness, wonder, and yes, even the bravery shown when managing the challenges of living with ADHD. If you or someone you love has ADHD ̶ you know that it’s not always easy to deal with the anxiety, executive function difficulties and self-criticism. Friends… Read More »ADHD Awareness Month is about celebrating who you are! Accentuate the positive with A+ expert advice.

The Best Routines for Adults with ADHD: Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Many adults with ADHD struggle with structure, following rules and creating new routines. Starting a tedious, unrewarding task can be challenging, and it can be equally tough to stay with it until completion. Neurodivergent people can be overly fixated on maintaining a routine at the expense of other things, which can turn into a vicious… Read More »The Best Routines for Adults with ADHD: Reduce Stress & Anxiety

4 Eye-Opening Reasons Why Kids Say “I Hate School!”

Now that the school year is in full swing, I’ve noticed that more parents are sharing how much their kids with ADHD dislike school. Neurodivergent children and teens with ADHD, ASD, a learning disability, or other mental health issues work hard to hold it together during the academic day. Various teaching styles that may not… Read More »4 Eye-Opening Reasons Why Kids Say “I Hate School!”

6 Tips for Creating Effective Homework Habits for your Child with ADHD

Sometimes it’s hard for all of us to do things that we find challenging or boring. I certainly like to warm up with something easier before taking on a bigger task. Creating effective homework habits is invaluable for children and teens with ADHD, who tend to struggle with persistent inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. These obstacles… Read More »6 Tips for Creating Effective Homework Habits for your Child with ADHD

5 Strategies for creating new habits that last in kids with ADHD

The start of each school year involves a variety of changes and adjustments. New teachers, new activities, and a whole lot of new experiences. This means your child may need to develop new habits to set themselves up for success in and out of school. They may also need to unlearn old habit patterns no… Read More »5 Strategies for creating new habits that last in kids with ADHD

Managing Screentime: 6 Hacks to Create Healthy Media Habits for Kids and Teens with ADHD

As the digital world plays an ever-growing part in our lives, it is more important than ever to help children establish healthy media habits. A balanced media diet begins with the understanding that screen use is a privilege, not a necessity. As the parent, you define values and expectations around technology usage for yourself and… Read More »Managing Screentime: 6 Hacks to Create Healthy Media Habits for Kids and Teens with ADHD

5 Unique Ways To Foster Body Positivity In Tweens & Teens — That Work For ADHD Kids, Too

5 Unique Ways To Foster Body Positivity In Tweens & Teens — That Work For ADHD Kids, Too Read More>> Read Dr. Saline’s latest blog post: Join my newsletter community to learn more>>

3 Powerful Ways Kids With ADHD Can Stand Up To Bullies

3 Powerful Ways Kids With ADHD Can Stand Up To Bullies Impulse control, emotional regulation, and difficulties with social interactions can unpredictably impact their behavior. To respond to bullying effectively, kids with ADHD benefit from working on The 3 R’s: Recognition, Response, and Resilience. Read More>> Read Dr. Saline’s latest blog post: Join my newsletter… Read More »3 Powerful Ways Kids With ADHD Can Stand Up To Bullies

How Parents Can Help Teens with ADHD Overcome Executive Function Challenges and Succeed in School

Proven ways to help teens with ADHD succeed in school Read More>> Read Dr. Saline’s latest blog post: Join my newsletter community to learn more>>

ADDitude Magazine: School Shootings, Mass Tragedies, Anxiety

How Do You Reassure Your Anxious Child When You’re Scared, Too? “As caregivers, we want to show up fully for our children in these troubled times. It’s natural to want to protect them, even as we struggle to comfort ourselves. Our kids have this amazing antenna that can pick up on and absorb our stress.… Read More »ADDitude Magazine: School Shootings, Mass Tragedies, Anxiety

ADDitude Mag – Your Regret Won’t Change the Past. These Tips May Save Your Future.

“Regret is tough to pinpoint. It may feel like sadness, remorse, or disappointment. It may emerge following a missed professional opportunity, oversharing at a cocktail party or yelling at our child for spilling their orange juice. All humans feel regret, but people with ADHD may feel regret more often and more strongly due to struggles… Read More »ADDitude Mag – Your Regret Won’t Change the Past. These Tips May Save Your Future.

ADDitude Mag – Flow State vs. Hyperfocus: On Channeling Your Unsteady ADHD Attention

What is considered flow state vs. hyperfocus for people with ADHD? “Are there any differences between being hyperfocused and being in a flow state? Yes! A hyperfocused ADHD brain is completely absorbed in its task — to the point of seemingly ignoring or tuning out everything else. Some people describe hyperfocus as a dream-like state… Read More »ADDitude Mag – Flow State vs. Hyperfocus: On Channeling Your Unsteady ADHD Attention

ADHD and Bullying (Part 2): How you can prepare kids to support victims of bullying as helpful upstanders

When it comes to bullying, there are two responsible parties: the bully and the bystander. Bystanders, or “onlookers,” are people who witness bullying behavior and allow the bully to continue by either encouraging it or saying nothing. The unspoken and often unconscious support of the non-aggressive majority–the bystanders- empowers the bully. Therefore, the bystander has… Read More »ADHD and Bullying (Part 2): How you can prepare kids to support victims of bullying as helpful upstanders

Creating an ADHD-Friendly Morning Routine with Your Family: Wake up to a smoother start and a better day

Let’s face it–busy mornings can be stressful. It’s difficult to stay calm and collected with so much to do within a short period of time. For kids with ADHD, there are often additional stumbles and delays when they forget something, get distracted or need to make decisions on the go. Help your child, and yourself,… Read More »Creating an ADHD-Friendly Morning Routine with Your Family: Wake up to a smoother start and a better day

ADHD and Bullying (Part 1): How to help kids with ADHD recognize, respond to and prevent bullying

Sadly, it’s all too common that neurodivergent kids to experience some level of teasing, taunting or bullying as they grow. Despite anti-bullying policies in schools and best efforts to raise awareness, kids with ADHD will likely find themselves as victims and/or aggressors at one time or another. Children and teens may not realize when they’ve… Read More »ADHD and Bullying (Part 1): How to help kids with ADHD recognize, respond to and prevent bullying

ADHD Hyperfocus: How to manage this double-edged sword for your health and productivity

Are you ever so engrossed in an activity that time seems to stop and nothing can tear you away? Does it ever seem like you lose sense of where you are and what’s happening around you? This can be the experience of hyperfocus for many people with ADHD. Hyperfocus is defined as “a phenomenon that… Read More »ADHD Hyperfocus: How to manage this double-edged sword for your health and productivity

Low Motivation and ADHD: Using ‘GRIT’ to tackle the essential tasks when you’re just not interested

Handling tasks and obligations we don’t enjoy is a part of everyday life. There are always meals to cook, laundry to do and garbage to take out. Most of us need to push ourselves to do tedious chores. Those with ADHD find it especially difficult to get started and follow through on boring, unpleasant tasks.… Read More »Low Motivation and ADHD: Using ‘GRIT’ to tackle the essential tasks when you’re just not interested

ADHD Misconceptions: How to respond to 4 damaging false beliefs and assumptions about ADHD

As we continue to celebrate ADHD Awareness Month, I’d like to offer you support and suggestions for dealing with people who don’t understand what it’s like to live with ADHD or believe that it truly exists. Maybe it’s your friend, boss, teacher, coach or a family member. ADHD misconceptions and myths negatively impact people with… Read More »ADHD Misconceptions: How to respond to 4 damaging false beliefs and assumptions about ADHD

Planning and Prioritizing Practices for ADHD Brains: What’s the plan, and when do you start?!

Does it ever seem like you have way too much to do, and every task looks equally important and daunting? Many kids and adults with ADHD struggle to figure out what the order of doing things should look like and how to get started. This contributes to the common experience of feeling overwhelmed. There often… Read More »Planning and Prioritizing Practices for ADHD Brains: What’s the plan, and when do you start?!

Return to School with ADHD and COVID Uncertainty (again)

Just when we thought we’d turned a corner in the COVID war, the virus is rearing its ugly head again. As kids go back to school, uncertainty looms once again. The Delta variant is making all of us more nervous than we might already be. School districts are debating mask mandates and some have returned… Read More »Return to School with ADHD and COVID Uncertainty (again)

Negative Memory Bias and ADHD: Tips to Help Kids and Youth with ADHD Remember the Positives

Have you ever noticed that your child or teen with ADHD remembers negative comments people say to them more than they do positive ones? While all human brains are wired for the negative memory bias, or negativity bias, the minds of kids and youth with ADHD seem more vulnerable to holding onto what is “bad“… Read More »Negative Memory Bias and ADHD: Tips to Help Kids and Youth with ADHD Remember the Positives

6 Helpful Tips for Dealing with Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

What is Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria? ADHD has a large group of companions that like to come along for the ride, whether that’s anxiety and depression, learning disabilities, or autism. Rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD), while not a formal diagnostic category, describes experiences that often occur with ADHD. People struggle with letting go of past hurts and/or… Read More »6 Helpful Tips for Dealing with Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

Returning to School with ADHD: Tips on helping anxious kids transition smoothly

Back to school is normally a time of excitement with a splash of worry thrown in. But this year, with the shift from remote learning to in-person or hybrid instruction, it seems that there’s more worry with just a splash of excitement. For neurodiverse kids who found online learning more helpful in certain ways, this… Read More »Returning to School with ADHD: Tips on helping anxious kids transition smoothly

The Truth about ADHD in Girls, and 5 Ways You Can Help

Raquel is a bright, creative girl who likes singing, dancing around the house and riding her bike. She is an eighth grade girl with ADHD and mild dyslexia and receives support services at school through her IEP. She can be articulate, warm and funny. Raquel also has also developed a nice group of friends over… Read More »The Truth about ADHD in Girls, and 5 Ways You Can Help

Recognizing ADHD in Boys and 4 Ways to Help Them Succeed

We know that ADHD affects both the person who has it and their family. Over six million children and adolescents in the United States have been diagnosed with ADHD. While most ADHD profiles are not gender-specific, there are a few key differences between ADHD in girls and ADHD in boys when it comes to diagnosis… Read More »Recognizing ADHD in Boys and 4 Ways to Help Them Succeed

Teens, ADHD and Procrastination

Many teens with ADHD procrastinate and appear to lack self-discipline. Why? Sometimes they have anxiety around how to approach the task, how to complete the task or possible outcomes of failure or rejection. Sometimes they have perfectionistic tendencies that require energy and focus and can delay them wanting to start a task. On the other… Read More »Teens, ADHD and Procrastination

ADHD Teens and Remote Learning: 5 tips for learning success

Has your ADHD teen hit a wall with remote learning? Many teens with ADHD in middle and high school are struggling with organization, initiation, time management and a limited capacity for self-evaluation. It’s tough as a parent of a teen to know how much involvement is appropriate and when it’s too much. Independent school work–whether… Read More »ADHD Teens and Remote Learning: 5 tips for learning success

How ADHD Is Diagnosed

This content is excerpted from HealthCentral on How ADHD Is Diagnosed. I am one of the panel experts, along with Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D.Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Rosemarie Manfredi, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist and Certified School Psychologist Let’s Talk About How ADHD Is Diagnosed How ADHD Is Diagnosed. There’s no single test that can determine… Read More »How ADHD Is Diagnosed

Message to Tween, Teens and Young Adults During Covid

This can be a tough time for emerging adults. Seven months into the pandemic, and things are still “far from normal”. You’ve lost so much of what was familiar, valued and fun in your lives–being on campus and attending in-person classes, socializing with peers, working, romantic relationships, etc. It’s natural to feel sad, lonely, anxious,… Read More »Message to Tween, Teens and Young Adults During Covid

How to Nurture Yourself When Preparing for Back to School

It’s essential for parents and caregivers to take care of themselves during these times because we’re talking about a marathon, not a sprint. When you listen to the talk on an airplane about oxygen masks, you’re told to put one on yourself first and then on a child. It’s the same principle here. Factoring in… Read More »How to Nurture Yourself When Preparing for Back to School

At-Home Learning with ADHD: Creating an ADHD-friendly learning environment

Studying in bed? Doing homework on the couch while watching television? Hybrid and remote learning are challenging for so many kids and parents. If you want your child or teen with ADHD to show up for their remote classes with focus and concentrate on their homework/classwork, they’ve got to have a designated study space. For… Read More »At-Home Learning with ADHD: Creating an ADHD-friendly learning environment

Prepare Now to Transition to In-Person School

Online Schooling has relieved anxiety for some – Learning from home has been a pleasant relief for many students who struggle socially at school or have extreme anxiety. The various triggers that going to school presents for them have been eliminated. Online school offers limited peer and adult contact with less pressure to perform in… Read More »Prepare Now to Transition to In-Person School

Navigating Re-integration for Kids with ADHD: Four Essential Tips

As things start to open up, we are now faced with dozens of new challenges. Kids want to see their friends, go to carry-out restaurants, be outside and have some fun. How can they safely socialize with peers, play outdoors or visit with extended family? For tweens and teens who are eager to experience “freedom”… Read More »Navigating Re-integration for Kids with ADHD: Four Essential Tips

Negative Assumptions about Students with Disabilities

Yes, we are all more than our diagnosis, but negative assumptions about students with disabilities run rampant in our culture. Often kids with learning disabilities are seen as less intelligent or competent by peers or adults.  Sadly, they may begin to believe that they are ‘less than,’ lower their expectations for themselves and isolate from… Read More »Negative Assumptions about Students with Disabilities

Academic Support for Teens & College Students

School-based interventions improve academic performance and social relationships. For high school students with ADHD who already run a higher risk for underachievement and dropping out than neurotypical kids, having support services can make all the difference. This recent study also showed that whatever services kids receive in elementary school are often discontinued as they mature.… Read More »Academic Support for Teens & College Students

Strategize Now to Set up a Successful School Year

Gather your strength–it’s time to set the alarms, make the lunches and buy the supplies. School is starting again. How can you avoid frustration and arguments to create the smooth transition that everybody wants? By relying on Compassion, Collaboration and Consistency, you can work with your child or teen to set a positive tone for… Read More »Strategize Now to Set up a Successful School Year

Recent College Grads: Adjustments, Parents’ Role, Jobs and Adult Life

What are some of the adjustments that recent college grad kids will be making? Recent college grads have many adjustments to make. Not only are they saying good-bye to many of their friends, a familiar surrounding and a student lifestyle, but they are also facing the uncertainty of what comes next. Even if someone has… Read More »Recent College Grads: Adjustments, Parents’ Role, Jobs and Adult Life

Got an anxious high schooler with ADHD? Help is here.

Many teens today feel extremely overwhelmed and anxious, especially those who are out-of-the-box thinkers. Life seems constantly demanding and stressful. With the executive functioning challenges that are typical of ADHD brains, it’s even harder for them to regulate intense feelings.  Routine concerns can quickly balloon into outright panic.  Approximately 35% of kids with ADHD have… Read More »Got an anxious high schooler with ADHD? Help is here.

Totto Learning: Are you worried your child has ADHD? Here are the next steps.

Hear how Dr. Sharon Saline explains what the first few steps as a parent you can do if you are worried that your child has ADHD and learn best practices for better parenting. –  Totto Learning. Watch the video:  

Totto Learning: Symptoms of ADHD in Children

Dr. Sharon Saline discuss symptoms of ADHD in children with Totto Learning. Watch the video:  

CHADD Webinar: “Off You Go!” Helping Your Teen Navigate The Transition From High School To The Next Chapter

Many families struggle with the pressure and anxiety related to launching teens with ADHD to life after high school. It’s hard to know when to support them and when to let go. How can you teach them the life skills they’ll need to thrive independently? Dr. Saline will help you navigate this tricky transition. You… Read More »CHADD Webinar: “Off You Go!” Helping Your Teen Navigate The Transition From High School To The Next Chapter

22 News Mass Appeal: Understanding and managing the anxiety of returning to school

(Mass Appeal) – These are anxious times for kids and adults as the school year restarts. But it’s important to remember that children absorb how adults act in different situations and feed off those emotions and actions. Dr. Sharon Saline is here today with some ways to speak with your little ones to reduce the… Read More »22 News Mass Appeal: Understanding and managing the anxiety of returning to school

Additude Webinar Replay – Start with ‘Hello’: How to Reduce Social Anxiety and Foster Connections

Start with ‘Hello’: How to Reduce Social Anxiety and Foster Connections An ADDitude Webinar by Dr. Sharon Saline Watch the webinar here! Webinar description: “Do you hesitate to reach out to old friends — uncertain whether they’re eager to hear from you? Do you seldom make new friends — apprehensive about risking rejection or just… Read More »Additude Webinar Replay – Start with ‘Hello’: How to Reduce Social Anxiety and Foster Connections

Additude Webinar Replay – Gender Diversity and Neurodiversity: How to Support a Child, Teen, or Young Adult with ADHD as They Explore Gender

“If every generation of youth finds a way to upend parents’ basic notions of the world, certainly gender is today’s arena for change. With children and teens increasingly declaring a gender different than their sex assigned at birth, and many teens responding to “they/them/their,” nothing short of a gender revolution is taking place. Parents are… Read More »Additude Webinar Replay – Gender Diversity and Neurodiversity: How to Support a Child, Teen, or Young Adult with ADHD as They Explore Gender

22 News Mass Appeal: Back to School Week: Start The New School Year With The Right Study Habits

(Mass Appeal) – Did your kids struggle in the spring with remote learning? It’s important to start the new school year off on the right foot. Here with some study tips for hybrid and remote learning is clinical psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline Click logo below to read more.

The Enrollment Management Association: The Big Pivot: Preparing Your Community for an Unusual Back-to-School Transition

This has certainly been the strangest of times. The combination of changes wrought by COVID-19 and socio-political protests have disrupted life for students, families, and school communities across the world. Canceled summer programs, internships, jobs, and vacations intensified everybody’s disappointment, frustration, and worry. It’s tough to think about next week, let alone the beginning of… Read More »The Enrollment Management Association: The Big Pivot: Preparing Your Community for an Unusual Back-to-School Transition

Additude Mag: Distance Learning Meets ADHD (Again): Smooth the Transition Back to Remote Schooling

Distance learning is not ideal for all students with ADHD. Surviving the coming school year will mean reducing anxiety and tension at home while also maintaining realistic expectations, providing appropriate supports, and advocating for our children with eyes wide open. Click logo below to read more.

22 News Mass Appeal: Understanding and managing the anxiety of returning to school

(Mass Appeal) – These are anxious times for kids and adults as the school year restarts. But it’s important to remember that children absorb how adults act in different situations and feed off those emotions and actions. Dr. Sharon Saline is here today with some ways to speak with your little ones to reduce the… Read More »22 News Mass Appeal: Understanding and managing the anxiety of returning to school

22 News Mass Appeal: Four ways to support students doing remote or hybrid learning

(Mass Appeal) – The start of school is a lot different this year. Parents can help keep their children by implementing these four tips offered by Dr. Sharon Saline of Acknowledge the ups and downs of the current time and validate their feelings. Brainstorm new approaches to get what your student needs for success Schedule… Read More »22 News Mass Appeal: Four ways to support students doing remote or hybrid learning

Intrepid Ed News: Let’s get started! 5 tips for helping kids get things done

“Do you wonder why some kids struggle with starting things, sticking with them, and finishing up? Whether it’s working on a school project or preparing for their birthday party, many children and teens struggle with getting started on tasks that seem important but can be tedious, boring, unachievable, or overwhelming. Sometimes it takes the urgency… Read More »Intrepid Ed News: Let’s get started! 5 tips for helping kids get things done

Intrepid Ed News – Dealing with ‘Back To School’ Anxiety: 5 Tips To Assist Your Child or Teen Make A Smooth Transition

5 Tips to Assist Your Child/Teen With ADHD Make A Smooth Transition: Kids have an incredible radar. They easily pick up when their parents are stressed or anxious, and it increases their own distress, conscious or unconscious. The first step in decreasing the anxiety your child or teen is feeling is to lower your own.… Read More »Intrepid Ed News – Dealing with ‘Back To School’ Anxiety: 5 Tips To Assist Your Child or Teen Make A Smooth Transition

Intrepid Ed News – Raising Successful Teens

“When my daughter was in ninth grade, she had very little interest in engaging with me. Sure, she was happy to start a conversation about getting her nose pierced but if I wanted to check in about anything related to school or the tennis team, forget it. She wanted to determine what the parameters were… Read More »Intrepid Ed News – Raising Successful Teens

Intrepid Ed News – Knowing what to do next: Tips for better planning and prioritizing

“Does it ever seem like you and your kids have way too much to do, and every task looks equally important and daunting? Many people, especially those with ADHD, struggle to make realistic plans, figure out what the order of doing things should look like, and wrestle with how to get started. Sometimes folks can… Read More »Intrepid Ed News – Knowing what to do next: Tips for better planning and prioritizing

Intrepid Ed News – Improve your student’s study and work habits: Using my GRIT method

“Does it ever seem like once your child or teen gets started on a project that they struggle to sustain their interest and complete it? Sustained-attention and goal-directed persistence are two key executive functioning skills that work together to help a student cross the finish line. Sustained attention refers to the ability to maintain focus… Read More »Intrepid Ed News – Improve your student’s study and work habits: Using my GRIT method

Intrepid Ed News: What is Metacognition and Why Does It Matter So Much?

“Do you ever wonder why neurodiverse kids struggle with evaluating their strengths or challenges, understanding how their brains work and creating steps for self-improvement? Metacognition is the awareness and understanding of your own thinking and thought processes and, as the last executive functioning skill to coalesce (in the mid to late twenties), it’s often very… Read More »Intrepid Ed News: What is Metacognition and Why Does It Matter So Much?

MSN – 10 Ways Neurodiverse Folks Can Have Deep, Thoughtful & Easy Conversations With Anyone

“Do you want to learn how to talk to anyone and have better conversations? Do you ever wish that you could pause time, take back something you said, and start over? Would you like to be someone who has quick, interesting comebacks in conversations, instead of thinking of something good to say 10 minutes later.… Read More »MSN – 10 Ways Neurodiverse Folks Can Have Deep, Thoughtful & Easy Conversations With Anyone

CHADD ADHD Newsstand: Help Your Child Better Cope with Social Anxiety

“Social anxiety is a fear that people will scrutinize you in familiar or unfamiliar social situations and that this negative judgment will have harmful effects on you,” says Sharon Saline, PsyD, author of What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids for Success in School and Life. Children and teens with… Read More »CHADD ADHD Newsstand: Help Your Child Better Cope with Social Anxiety

YourTango: 7 Tools For Managing Childhood Anxiety

“Most kids and adults just want their anxiety to go away NOW. As parents, we try to anticipate and cope with the fear of our child or teen by trying to protect them from the pain. I don’t know about you, but this rarely worked in my family because the worries just came back. Anxiety… Read More »YourTango: 7 Tools For Managing Childhood Anxiety

YourTango: 8 Simple Ways To Make Your College Kid’s Transition Home Easier — On Everyone

“As another school year is winding down, many of us have welcomed our sons and daughters home from college. Whether your college kid’s home for just the summer or they are moving back in after graduating, everyone in the household will need to make adjustments. Previously established family routines may require some tweaks or even… Read More »YourTango: 8 Simple Ways To Make Your College Kid’s Transition Home Easier — On Everyone

YourTango: How To Talk To Kids About School Shootings & Process The Grief We’re All Experiencing

“Ten days after the racially-motivated shooting in Buffalo, New York at a grocery store and ten years after the unspeakable tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, Americans are once again dealing with a horrific mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas. This small community west of San Antonio will be forever marked by this unspeakable event: parents, siblings, friends,… Read More »YourTango: How To Talk To Kids About School Shootings & Process The Grief We’re All Experiencing

YourTango: It’s Not Just Puppy Love — 4 Things You Must Do When Your Tween Has A Crush

“Is your tween showing signs of a first crush? Do you notice them spending more time in front of the mirror, carefully picking out just the right outfit, and doing their hair? Are they suddenly showering more often, texting with intensity, or casually dropping someone’s name in conversation with a slight blush? Brace yourself: It’s… Read More »YourTango: It’s Not Just Puppy Love — 4 Things You Must Do When Your Tween Has A Crush

YourTango: Daydreamers Are Basically Creative Geniuses — How To Harness A Wandering Mind

“It’s time to start letting go of the shame of daydreaming and be proud of being scatterbrained. Many parents and teachers are concerned when they see children or teens daydreaming or spacing out. They wrongfully assume that daydreaming is not “productive” and is, therefore, a waste of time. However, periodically letting your mind drift is… Read More »YourTango: Daydreamers Are Basically Creative Geniuses — How To Harness A Wandering Mind

YourTango – The 5 Most Overlooked Symptoms Of Inattentive ADHD & How To Cope With Each

“Inattentive ADHD is often characterized by difficulties in keeping focused, staying organized, and following directions or conversations. These experiences may lead to a sustained pattern of losing things, careless mistakes, and mental fatigue. There are three different types of ADHD, each with differences in how they present and in how the affect a person’s life.… Read More »YourTango – The 5 Most Overlooked Symptoms Of Inattentive ADHD & How To Cope With Each

ADHD Online: Understanding Hyperfocus and How to Make It Work For You

“Usually, hyperfocus happens when you’re doing an activity that you find fun or interesting, explains Sharon Saline, Psy.D., a clinical psychologist, author and speaker. But it can also happen when you’re trying to meet a deadline or work through a task you find boring, according to Susan Ciardiello, Ph.D., LCSW, an ADHD coach and psychotherapist.… Read More »ADHD Online: Understanding Hyperfocus and How to Make It Work For You

YourTango: 5 Things To Try When Your Kid Says ‘No!’ To Everything

What can you do when your kid says “No” repeatedly? What is your child really trying to communicate? “Recently, I was in my office with Kieran, an eighth-grade boy who was complaining about being bored after school to his mom, Tara, and me. ‘There’s nothing to do except gaming and you only let me do… Read More »YourTango: 5 Things To Try When Your Kid Says ‘No!’ To Everything

YourTango – 5 Ways People With ADHD Can Forgive Themselves & Release Their Shame

“If you’re a person with ADHD, you might find yourself in a cycle of shame. Shame for things you may have said, for not “reading a room” the way a neurotypical person might, or shame simply from a childhood where people made you feel bad or less-than because of your differences. Now that you’re an… Read More »YourTango – 5 Ways People With ADHD Can Forgive Themselves & Release Their Shame

YourTango – 10 Ways Neurodiverse Folks Can Have Deep, Thoughtful & Easy Conversations With Anyone

“Do you want to learn how to talk to anyone and have better conversations? Do you ever wish that you could pause time, take back something you said, and start over? Would you like to be someone who has quick, interesting comebacks in conversations, instead of thinking of something good to say 10 minutes later… Read More »YourTango – 10 Ways Neurodiverse Folks Can Have Deep, Thoughtful & Easy Conversations With Anyone

YourTango – Social Anxiety & ADHD: How to better manage anxiety with supportive planning and preparation

“Social anxiety is a fear that people will scrutinize you in either familiar or unfamiliar social situations, and this negative judgment will have harmful effects on you. These worries about humiliation and rejection are persistent, often last six months or more, and restrict your activities, interests, and relationships.” Read the article featured on YourTango! Read… Read More »YourTango – Social Anxiety & ADHD: How to better manage anxiety with supportive planning and preparation

YourTango: 4 Common Misconceptions About ADHD That Everyone Needs To Forget (Weekly Best!)

“Do you find yourself often dealing with people who don’t understand what it’s like to live with ADHD or even believe that it truly exists? Maybe it’s your friend, boss, teacher, coach, or family member. ADHD misconceptions and myths negatively impact people with ADHD and those who support them, every day. When it comes to… Read More »YourTango: 4 Common Misconceptions About ADHD That Everyone Needs To Forget (Weekly Best!)

YourTango – The Scientific Way To Organize Your Thoughts And Get More Done

“Metacognition is the awareness and understanding of your own thinking and thought processes with the goal of improving learning and performance. Put simply, metacognition is about how to organize your thoughts, and much more. What are your thoughts and ideas? Metacognition allows you to connect the dots, see the big picture, self-evaluate and monitor, which… Read More »YourTango – The Scientific Way To Organize Your Thoughts And Get More Done

YourTango: The Very Best Strategies to Reduce Conflict and Increase Calmness in Your Neurodiverse Kids

“Have you ever said something to your child or teen that you wished you could take back? In the heat of the moment, it’s all too easy to let our emotions take over instead of choosing our words carefully. Most parents lose their cool at one time or another. Similarly, many neurodiverse kids and teens… Read More »YourTango: The Very Best Strategies to Reduce Conflict and Increase Calmness in Your Neurodiverse Kids

YourTango: 3 Steps To Achieve Tone Of Voice Awareness In Neurodiverse Families So All Members Are Comfortable And Safe

“What is a tone of voice and how does it affect neurodiverse families Neurodiverse families often struggle with emotional reactivity and verbal impulse control. Negative feelings and unpleasant words can intensify in the blink of an eye. Still, when the moments arise, it’s hard enough to calm down your own emotions — let alone, the… Read More »YourTango: 3 Steps To Achieve Tone Of Voice Awareness In Neurodiverse Families So All Members Are Comfortable And Safe

YourTango: Back To School With ADHD And COVID Uncertainty (Again) – Reprinted

“Just when we thought we’d turned a corner in the COVID war, the virus is rearing its ugly head for another wave. As kids go back to school, uncertainty looms once again. The Delta variant is making all of us more nervous than we might already be. School districts are debating mask mandates and some… Read More »YourTango: Back To School With ADHD And COVID Uncertainty (Again) – Reprinted

Healthline – The 10 Best Books for ADHD in 2022

“In “What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew,” author and psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline shares her proven roadmap that parents of children ages 6 to 18 can follow to help their child with ADHD succeed. Leaning on her experiences counseling children and their families, Saline offers practical advice and real-life examples so parents can better… Read More »Healthline – The 10 Best Books for ADHD in 2022

Healthline – The 10 Best Books for ADHD in 2021

“Whether you’re the parent of a child recently diagnosed with ADHD or an adult seeking new methods for managing ADHD symptoms, there is a wide variety of books for ADHD available to offer you some guidance. Before you can pick up the best book for ADHD that fits your situation, it’s important to understand what… Read More »Healthline – The 10 Best Books for ADHD in 2021

College Opensource – Female Students with ADHD: How IECs Can Help

Article by Eric Endlich, PhD and Sharon Saline, Psy.D. “Nia had been so excited to go to college. She’d been diagnosed with inattentive ADHD in eighth grade and received accommodations such as extra time on tests, preferential classroom seating and getting copies of teachers’ notes. An executive functioning coach assisted her in using a calendar… Read More »College Opensource – Female Students with ADHD: How IECs Can Help

22 News Mass Appeal: What to do if your child is back talking

(Mass Appeal) – Talking back is a common behavior that children exhibit, but it can be extremely frustrating as a parent. Clinical psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline is here with tips on how to put the brakes on back talk. Originally broadcasted here at  

22 News Mass Appeal: Managing screen time during the holidays

(Mass Appeal) – When kids are home from school and it’s vacation, they often default to using their devices 24/7 and that is certainly not ideal. Today we welcome Clinical Psychologist Doctor Sharon Saline, with some practical ways to manage screen time for kids. Originally broadcasted here at

22 News Mass Appeal: Managing your child’s separation anxiety

(Mass Appeal) – Many parents are seeing signs of separation anxiety in their children right now. Kids are justifiably concerned about being apart from family members in light of COVID 19. Why is this happening and what can you do about it? Joining me today for this discussion is clinical psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline. Originally… Read More »22 News Mass Appeal: Managing your child’s separation anxiety

22 News Mass Appeal: Mentally preparing for the chaos that can come from family and friends

(Mass Appeal) – Thanksgiving is back this year – and you and your family may need some help mentally preparing for the chaos that comes with seeing loads of family and friends again. Here to share valuable tips is clinical psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline. Originally broadcasted here at  

22 News Mass Appeal: Helping kids make and keep friends

(Mass Appeal) – It’s the start of the school year and time for kids to get back out there and meet new friends! Clinical Psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline joined us with tips on helping your child make connections with others. Originally broadcasted here at

22 News Mass Appeal: Know the bullying warning signs

(Mass Appeal) – Every kid will experience some type of bullying in their childhood. Today on Mass Appeal, we discuss what you should be aware of for warning signs and what you can do to stop and prevent it. Clinical psychologist, Dr. Sharon Saline, breaks down the important facts to know. Originally broadcasted here at… Read More »22 News Mass Appeal: Know the bullying warning signs

ADDitude Mag – “Why Is Accepting Compliments So Difficult for My Child?”

“Your compliments are intended to convey your pride and enthusiasm about your son’s effort. He dismisses them because of shame, low self-esteem, and his overactive inner critic. If we can address these issues, it will be easier for him to accept your praise.” Read the full ADDitude article! Q: “Why Is Accepting Compliments So Difficult… Read More »ADDitude Mag – “Why Is Accepting Compliments So Difficult for My Child?”

ADDitude Mag – “Working Memory vs. Short-Term Memory: What’s the Difference?”

“While there’s some debate in the field about this, it’s generally held that short-term memory is super quick: It stores information briefly. Working memory is related to short-term memory, but it lasts slightly longer and is involved in the manipulation of information.” Read the full article!

ADDitude Mag – Q: “Fear of Failure Holds Me Back. How Do I Let Go of Past Mistakes?”

“When you make choices that hold you back in any way, what you’re really doing is depriving the world of the uniqueness that is you. Risk is an inherent part of life – and you can’t live a full life where you’re not taking risks and sharing all you have to offer with others.” Read… Read More »ADDitude Mag – Q: “Fear of Failure Holds Me Back. How Do I Let Go of Past Mistakes?”

ADDitude Mag – When Perfectionism Stems from ADHD: Challenging the Fallacy of “Not Good Enough”

When Perfectionism Stems from ADHD: Challenging the Fallacy of “Not Good Enough” “Perfectionism, when unhealthy, drives a person to exhaustion striving for a flawlessness that’s neither reasonable nor healthy. Though it may seem contradictory, perfectionist traits may stem from ADHD — an overcompensation for past errors or for feeling “not good enough.” Letting go of… Read More »ADDitude Mag – When Perfectionism Stems from ADHD: Challenging the Fallacy of “Not Good Enough”

ADDitude Free Download: The Eisenhower Matrix for ADHD Decision-Making

The Eisenhower Matrix for ADHD Decision-Making The Eisenhower Matrix is a simple, effective decision-making tool for determining which tasks deserve our immediate action, our long-term attention, our delegation skills, and our circular bins. What Is the Eisenhower Matrix? “It’s human nature. When a fire sparks up, we drop everything to fight it. But in our… Read More »ADDitude Free Download: The Eisenhower Matrix for ADHD Decision-Making

ADDitude Webinar Replay – Perfectionism and ADHD: Making ‘Good Enough’ Work for You

Access the recording of the ADDitude webinar by Dr. Saline on 1/19/22: “Perfectionism and ADHD: Making ‘Good Enough’ Work for You” Get access to the webinar replay! “In this webinar, Dr. Sharon Saline will explain how to stop setting unreasonable standards, engaging in negative comparisons to others, and criticizing yourself for living with ADHD. You… Read More »ADDitude Webinar Replay – Perfectionism and ADHD: Making ‘Good Enough’ Work for You

ADDitude Mag – The Best of 2021: Must-Read Articles on ADHD

“From cutting-edge clinical research to features on mental health during the pandemic to a deep dive on social media’s impact on ADHD brains — ADDitude published no shortage of thought-provoking and insightful articles this year. Below, click through to the most riveting reads from 2021, selected by our ADDitude editors.” Includes two articles by Dr.… Read More »ADDitude Mag – The Best of 2021: Must-Read Articles on ADHD

ADDitude Mag – You Are Worthy of Self-Compassion: How to Break the Habit of Internalized Criticism

“Self-compassion allows you to be good enough as you are, with your warts, with your foibles, sometimes off-balanced, sometimes more reactive than you’d like, sometimes disorganized, but fundamentally perfectly imperfect as a human being, just like everyone else.” Read the full article by Dr. Saline!

ADDitude Mag: No Motivation? 5 Steps to Build Drive and Confidence

Teachers and parents can take advantage of these strategies for training focus, combatting procrastination, and prioritizing effectively to achieve the success that drives future motivation in their students with ADHD. Read the article here.

Psychology Today: How to Cope with ADHD and Perfectionism

Tools to turn down the noise of self-criticism and feel “good enough” every day. “Do you set unrealistic goals for yourself, fret about disappointing others, and compare yourself negatively to those around you? If so, you are probably like many other people with ADHD who struggle with perfectionism. At times, you may want something to… Read More »Psychology Today: How to Cope with ADHD and Perfectionism

Fresh Start Family Podcast: Working to Overcome Anxiety & Frustration in Kids Who Have ADHD, Autism, or Learning Disabilities

Families, are you overwhelmed with the challenges of raising a child with ADHD, autism, or learning disabilities? Or are you like so many families who are wondering if your child may be an alternative learner, but just aren’t sure? Even if you are just looking for some ways to connect with your child and restore… Read More »Fresh Start Family Podcast: Working to Overcome Anxiety & Frustration in Kids Who Have ADHD, Autism, or Learning Disabilities

ADDitude Mag: Q: Is ADHD or Anxiety to Blame for My Perfectionism?

“There is no perfection. If you think someone is perfect, then you’re comparing your insides to their outsides, which may look very different from what they experience internally. Real is better than perfect.” Click the logo below to read the article.

CHADD Webinar | Navigating College with ADHD: Preparing for Success!

Are you a current or future college student who isn’t sure how to make a strong transition to higher education? In this webinar, Dr. Sharon Saline, veteran psychologist and author of “What your ADHD child wishes you knew: Working together to empower kids for success in school and life” and “The ADHD Solution Card Deck”… Read More »CHADD Webinar | Navigating College with ADHD: Preparing for Success!

Narbis: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Uptick in ADHD Diagnoses

“Students who lack adequate academic support for learning difficulties and are impulsive or inattentive have been falling behind, lacking motivation or giving up,” says Sharon Saline, Psy. D., a licensed clinical psychologist and an expert in ADHD based in Northampton, Mass. “Parents, untrained in special education, don’t have the training or skills to support their… Read More »Narbis: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Uptick in ADHD Diagnoses

Just Education Podcast: Episode 36 – Teaching in Covidland Panel Discussion

In this episode of Mentorships in Education, Just Education Podcast welcomes a panel consisting of Atty Maureen Graves, Dr Sharon Saline, and Steve Waters CEO, Teach Well Alliance. Click the logo below to listen to the episode.

22 News Mass Appeal: Tips to Make Online Learning Easier

With the cold weather approaching and COVID numbers rising, parents are facing the added responsibility of supporting our children’s online learning. Clinical Psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline, of, joins us with four tips to help children and teens with school work. Click logo below to read more.

ExQ Infinite Know How: Confident and Curious Webinar

Now that the novelty of returning to school has started to wear off, our students are facing the reality of hybrid and online learning. The 2020-21 academic year promises to amplify anxiety that complicates a successful educational experience. Given the very real challenges students, teachers and parents are confronting daily, ordinary worries about academics, extracurricular… Read More »ExQ Infinite Know How: Confident and Curious Webinar

22 News Mass Appeal: Alternative ways to honor 2020 graduates during COVID-19

(Mass Appeal) – There’s a lot of disappointment for the graduating seniors this year: prom dresses will be left hanging in the closet; mortar boards will not get tossed in the air. Clinical psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline joins us today to talk about how you can empathize with your graduate, as well as honor them… Read More »22 News Mass Appeal: Alternative ways to honor 2020 graduates during COVID-19

The SSAT: Navigating Parenting and Learning in a Remote Environment

As we navigate unusual circumstances with our children moving to remote learning during COVID-19, we know that families have questions around screen time as well as the social-emotional issues related to the physical isolation children are experiencing. We presented this webinar with information from SEL experts and welcomed questions at the end. Featured Topics Developing… Read More »The SSAT: Navigating Parenting and Learning in a Remote Environment

IECA Insights: Female Students With ADHD: How IECs Can Help

Nia was so excited to go to college. She’d been diagnosed with inattentive attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in eighth grade and received accommodations, such as extra time on tests, preferential classroom seating, and getting copies of teachers’ notes. An executive functioning coach helped her use a calendar and organize assignments. Nia worked hard, graduated… Read More »IECA Insights: Female Students With ADHD: How IECs Can Help

ADDitude Magazine: How Do I Know If My Teen Is Really Ready for College?

Your teen with ADHD has his heart set on a four-year college far from home. How do you know if he’s really ready and able to live independently while also managing a challenging college course load? The answer is rarely clear cut, but here is a plan for defining markers, gauging progress, and making a… Read More »ADDitude Magazine: How Do I Know If My Teen Is Really Ready for College?

The Philadelphia Inquirer: Homeschooling a child with ADHD? Here’s some expert advice

As you collapse into bed after another exhausting day of managing your child with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 24/7, you’re probably wondering how your family is going to survive an extended stay-at-home order. While it’s challenging enough for you to stay calm in the midst of all of the changes and unknowns of COVID-19, it’s extra tough supervising… Read More »The Philadelphia Inquirer: Homeschooling a child with ADHD? Here’s some expert advice

Share My Lesson: Daily Schedule for ADHD Families: Remote Learning in the Time of Coronavirus

ADHD Distance Learning: Setting Up for Success The coronavirus outbreak is changing our lives by the moment, but one constant is true: You’re unsure how to manage several weeks of closed schools and social isolation with your children, who happen to have ADHD. The big questions are: What can you do to set up a… Read More »Share My Lesson: Daily Schedule for ADHD Families: Remote Learning in the Time of Coronavirus

Psychology Today: Graduating Seniors with ADHD

It’s just not the senior spring semester you pictured. No in-person ceremonies, no senior week festivities and no special celebrations. For many seniors, school is (almost) over. Instead of participating in typical end-of-the-year traditions, having meaningful goodbyes with friends, you’re closing your computers and sitting in the same room as before. Of course, it’s disappointing… Read More »Psychology Today: Graduating Seniors with ADHD

Psychology Today: Home from College and the Novelty’s Worn Off: Now What?

This is nothing you ever expected—being stuck at home 24/7 with your parents and siblings while being separated from your friends, your school and your job. Academic, social and financial changes increase your stress with no clear solutions in sight. It’s natural to feel disappointed, confused, angry or worried. Plus, living around your family makes it… Read More »Psychology Today: Home from College and the Novelty’s Worn Off: Now What?

The Inquirer, Daily News, Philly: How can I help my child with ADHD have a successful school year?

Start the school off right. Helpful recommendations to get students with ADHD – and their parents – organized and focused. continue reading…

WGBY: Building A “Better Brain” Can Help Kids with ADHD

DrSharonSaline joined #CPonWGBY to discuss how building a ‘better brain’ can help children & teens with #ADHD and what parents can do to help start the process.

ONE37pm: How to Use Hyperfocus for Success, and Not Get Sucked into the Vortex

How to Use Hyperfocus for Success, and Not Get Sucked into the Vortex “You know that zone when you become so immersed in work that the rest of the world fades away? You accomplish a lot, but you also forget to eat, sleep, or interact with other humans. Then there’s the flip, when you’re working… Read More »ONE37pm: How to Use Hyperfocus for Success, and Not Get Sucked into the Vortex

Kids In The House: Collaboration is the key for back-to-school success with ADHD kids

“As schools open their doors for students, it’s time once more to begin thinking about the year ahead. For many kids, and especially those with ADHD, summer is a huge relief from academic and social pressures. Most of them don’t relish the return to classes and would rather think about anything else. How can you… Read More »Kids In The House: Collaboration is the key for back-to-school success with ADHD kids

Back-to-School Basics: Collaboration Leads to Academic Success

As schools open their doors for students, it’s time once more to begin thinking about the year ahead. For many kids, and especially those with ADHD, summer is a huge relief from academic and social pressures. Most of them don’t relish the return to classes and would rather think about anything else. How can you… Read More »Back-to-School Basics: Collaboration Leads to Academic Success

22 News Mass Appeal: ADHD Study Tips

Kids with ADHD have insight into what works well for them, and what doesn’t. Collaborate! I explain how parents and kids can work together to build routines, expectations, and incentives.


Student outcomes are the most relevant factor when it comes to measuring the success of a learning environment. Though classroom design has an important influence on learning achievement, the majority of time is spent on traditional methods of enhancing the learning progress, such as executing standardized tests, professional growth for educators, and advancement or mediation… Read More »Worthington Direct Blog: HOW DOES A CLASSROOM DESIGN AFFECT A CHILD’S ABILITY TO LEARN? 14 MEDICAL & EDUCATIONAL EXPERTS WEIGH IN…

Avoiding the Homework Hassle

It’s 5:30 p.m. You have arrived home from work with a pizza for dinner to find a pile of dishes in the sink, the television blaring and your kids’ stuff strewn on the kitchen counter. To make matters worse, you received a phone call earlier in the day from your son’s fifth grade teacher letting… Read More »Avoiding the Homework Hassle

Settling Back into School with Success

Once the excitement of returning to school wears off, it’s time to assess how well the transition to school has actually been going. By now, the patterns of waking up early, doing homework and managing activities has settled in–for better or for worse–and the carefree days of summer may seem long past. Your daughter may… Read More »Settling Back into School with Success

Beating the ADHD Back to School Blues

As the beginning of school approaches or, perhaps, has already started, many kids with ADHD/ADD can feel a mix of excitement and dread. Some are excited to see their friends again but dread the start of the academic year. Others would just prefer to avoid the whole scene–social and academic. Often, they are sad to… Read More »Beating the ADHD Back to School Blues

Feeling overwhelmed by something? Break it down!

One of the most common problems for many kids with ADHD is feeling overwhelmed by a task. Whether it is doing homework, cleaning up a bedroom or looking for a summer job, they feel swamped and don’t know where to begin. Often, they avoid doing these things rather skillfully and don’t respond to reminders you… Read More »Feeling overwhelmed by something? Break it down!

Personal Project Planners

Whether it’s writing a paper or cleaning up your desk, some projects are just hard to get to and even harder to finish. You simply consider organizing the mound of papers and junk on your kitchen table and a wave of fatigue sweeps over you, causing you to run suddenly for the couch in front… Read More »Personal Project Planners

Effective Communication – The Rule of Three

Parents and teachers often complain to me that kids with ADHD don’t remember things they are told. This forgetfulness happens for a number of reasons—poor working memory, internal or external distractions, limited ability to sequence information into steps, anxiety about forgetting—and changing how you talk to a child or teen with ADHD can improve memory.… Read More »Effective Communication – The Rule of Three